Calling on all passionate Vodafone Warriors members. Your tribe needs you!
As the new season fast approaches, we are now seeking expressions of interest from active members who are keen to join the 2017 Vodafone Warriors Members’ Council.
The 2017 Council will comprise of Vodafone Warriors members from not only New Zealand, but also Australia and beyond. These people will be ambassadors for our tribe and provide a link between members and the club to ensure we do everything within our power to improve the experience of members and make our membership programme the best it can be.
Home-based Council members will help in a variety of ways, especially as game day volunteers at our fixtures at Mount Smart Stadium. Away-based Council members will be communicated with monthly for feedback on membership concepts and will be given early updates on proposed 2017 events and planning for 2018.
If you would like to be considered for the 2017 Members’ Council, please email us at memberships@warriors.kiwi with your name, member number and a brief explanation about why you should be on it.
Please also indicate whether you will be able to assist at all 11 home games at Mount Smart Stadium or in an away-based capacity.