For the past 2 years, NRL Community has been using our voice, in consultation with Australia’s leading health experts, to make a difference to a big issue that impacts our game and our communities – mental illness.
Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. In Australia, 1 in 2 people are affected by mental illness, and at the crisis end, suicide is the largest killer of individuals aged 15 – 44. It’s Australia’s single biggest health issue and, as Australia’s biggest sporting community, we can and should play a pivotal role in improving the outcomes for those affected.
During this year’s State of Origin series, the NRL’s State of Mind campaign will launch in partnership with Lifeline, Headspace, Kids Helpline and The Black Dog Institute.
The aim of this campaign, which will be a constant driver in our work over the next 3 years, is to continue to reduce stigma around mental illness, create positive discussion and connection in our communities, and stimulate help seeking behaviours by improving mental health literacy.
Key Messages
- Mental illness doesn’t discriminate, 1 in 2 Australians will experience a mental illness in their life time, and at the crisis end, suicide is the largest killer of individuals aged 15 – 44
- Rugby League is a community that people can belong and connect to
- We can work together to reduce the impact of mental illness in our community
- Don’t be afraid to talk to someone if you think you need help
- Take action now, do something for yourself or your loved ones
Head to the State of Mind website for further education, tips, tools and resources on mental wellness – www.nrl.com/stateofmind